No Ordinary Parenting is a movement with a vision to raise a mighty army of children who walk with the Living God. And, who better to lead them, than you, Parents!

Welcome to parenting that is…

Not Perfect,But Led...
Not Perfect, But Led...

HOW Blog

Who said only children have questions? Answering all the Hows of parents every week.


An exclusive collection of inhouse and external resources to help you in your parenting.

About Us

We are Teachers, Pastors, Leaders, Authors and Parents with a passion to raise no ordinary children.

Parents Watchout!

Latest News briefs from across the globe. What makes you think your children will be shielded?

Our Core Beliefs

1. Your Child Is Not Ordinary

He is set apart by God and carries heaven’s destiny. He is not ‘too young’ to have a personal relationship with God and be filled with the Holy Spirit and His manifestations.

2. Your Parenting Cannot Be Ordinary

Because your child is not ordinary, your parenting cannot be ordinary.  You have a role to fill that no Sunday school teacher or caregiver can ever replace.  You are your child’s closest mentor and they will turn out exactly the way you shape them.

3. We Do It Together & With The Holy Spirit

No matter how challenging parenting looks, you can avail the grace, wisdom and divine strategy from God to raise your children in His ways. And so, our parenting is in partnership with the Holy Spirit. Also, we do this together with each other.


Get this FREE eBook + Much More

This book gives 7 Mistakes in the light of God’s Word that Christian parents make while bringing up their children. These mistakes if repeated consistently, can cause lifelong damages to your child’s life. Sign up to get it straight into your inbox!

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