How Listening To Your Child Can Bring Change
Then Samuel answered, “Speak, for Your servant is listening.” – 1 Samuel 3:10
A year ago, one night, I was lying beside my 2-year-old niece getting ready to sleep. She volunteered to tell me a story: “I will tell you Abba God’s story.”
I am sure at this point there is a smile on your face and you may also say, “Aw! So cute.”
However, for me that night the Lord reaffirmed His love and presence in my life through this little child. When she spoke the first sentence yes, it was an ‘aww moment’ but something within shook me and I chose to listen to her words and that moment changed from an ‘Aw Moment’ to a ‘Jesus Moment’.
Eli Listened to Little Samuel
I am encouraged by Eli’s example as he was instrumental in nurturing the Prophet of the Lord in Israel of that time.
In 1 Samuel, we see little Samuel growing up to serve the Lord under the guidance of the priest Eli. Samuel diligently did what he was told and grew in favour of God and man.
In chapter 3 when the Lord calls out Samuel’s name, the little boy is clueless about who is it. He was so used to hearing his mentor call him that he ran to Eli immediately. Samuel was not thinking, he was just doing what he learned. He was trained to be obedient and he was just doing what he was taught.
It was Eli who recognised his call and guided the little boy to the Lord. That night if Eli had not listened to Samuel and shooed him away, the little boy would not have learned to listen to the voice of God.
Eli didn’t stop there, the next day after the Lord spoke to Samuel, he called him and asked, “What did He say?” (vs 17) After listening to little Samuel, Eli said, “It is the Lord; may He do what seems good to Him.” (vs.18) Such a response to what the Lord had to say about his family reveals to us that Eli didn’t enquire to test Samuel, but he was keen to listen to the child speak the word of God. Every word that Samuel spoke was against him and his family yet Eli said, “It is the Lord…”. It takes great courage to accept rebuke and correction and even greater from someone younger.
We also see the way Eli responded to what the Lord had said, encouraged the frightened little Samuel to be bold. Think of it, if Eli would have responded with anger, given way to his hurt ego – such harsh words coming from a little boy and that to his student. Little Samuel would have been crushed in his spirit and would never have dared to speak God’s word again. I admire Eli’s mature and respectful response not only towards God’s word but also to the messenger. Eli’s calm reply, built Samuel to be the bold prophet who dared to stand before kings and speak God’s word boldly.
Listening Can Make a Difference
Like Eli let us believe the fact that God can communicate through children. They may speak in their baby language, immature language, childish posture but the words are from God’s heart.
Like Eli, let us recognise and guide our children into the Lord’s presence. Trained them to hear His voice. Teach them to read His word and as they do so they will learn to incline their ears towards Him.
Like Eli, dare to ask them, “What is God speaking to you these days?” Such questions will encourage them to focus towards hearing from God.
Like Eli, be ready to listen, be attentive, and be receptive.
Like Eli, encourage them to do the Kingdom’s purpose however harsh it may seem.