How Modelling Can Give Your Children An Inheritance

Imitate me, just as I imitate Christ. – 1 Corinthians 11:1
“Dad/Mom, first you do what you tell me to do!” This is what our children are yelling in their hearts most of the time because they see us do the things that we forbid them to do. They are in a state of confusion when they see us instruct them with something and do entirely the opposite.
Jesus ‘parented’ us to walk the Christian Walk. When on the earth He lived a lifestyle that He wants us to live. Similarly, parenting is designed to teach God’s character to children. If we desire our children to walk like Jesus we got to model it. If Jesus did it for us, we got to do it for our children.
Our walk talks louder than our talk talks!
Expectation without leading by example is unfair. If we want to teach our children to put on the character of Christ, we got to practice it ourselves before we can transfer it to our children.
Jesus transferred it to us by living the walk when on this earth. Jesus loved and His act of forgiveness proves it all. We see Jesus’ relationship with Father God was so close and so dependent. Jesus was always thankful for everything. He always thanked Father God before every miracle. Jesus was obedient to His calling. Jesus was a Servant King and His actions showed service to mankind.
Jesus found leading by example the most effective way to bring heaven down on earth. He did it so we can inherit the Kingdom of God. He did it because He did not want heaven without us. Jesus invested His time on earth modelling a lifestyle to inherit the Kingdom of God.
Its time now parents, we invest our time in leading our children to their rightful inheritance in Christ. We are spending too much time in creating inheritance for our children that we don’t have time to lead them into the Kingdom purpose. Our children have got to see Jesus in our lifestyle. They got to see Jesus’ love in our relationship with one another. They got to see our dependency on Jesus in every area of our life.
“…for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9
Children learn faster by replicating and when they imitate Christ in us it will be so much easier for them to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. And isn’t this our desire, aim as Christian Parents? Be encouraged and together with your spouse take up this challenge to model the character of God.