How to Nurture your Children as Arrows in your Quiver (Part 2/3, Arrow Series)

by | Nov 18, 2024 | Spiritual Growth

In part 1 of the arrow series, I talked about how your children can be shaped as arrows. If you haven’t read that post, you can click here:

In a spiritual sense, the quiver represents the supportive environment we create for our children. The Bible refers to the quiver as a place of protection and preparation, emphasizing the importance of nurturing children in a loving and faith-filled home. It symbolizes the safe space where children are equipped with Biblical principles and the reality of walking with the Living God in every area and stage of their lives.


The Quiver: A Spiritual Perspective, and its three functions



Just as a quiver shields arrows, our homes should provide safety and security, allowing our children to grow without fear or condemnation.

Psalm 127 : 3 reminds us, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.” This verse underscores the precious nature of our children and the importance of guarding their well-being.

As parents, we need to ask God for grace to function in perfect love that cast out all fears. 



The quiver is where arrows are readied for flight. Similarly, we must prepare our children spiritually, teaching them about God’s love and instilling a sense of purpose.            Ephesians 6:4 encourages us to “bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord,” emphasizing the need for intentional guidance in their spiritual journeys.

Isaiah 49:2 – “He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver.”  This verse emphasizes God making His servant a polished arrow, hidden in His quiver, suggesting both preparation and divine protection as powerful tool for a specific purpose.

This illustrates that each child, like a carefully crafted arrow, is designed with unique gifts and an assignment from God. As their stewards, we have the privilege and responsibility to help them discover their strengths and guide them toward their God given calling.

IN THE PART 3 OF THE ARROW SERIES, we will learn how to shape our arrow. SO STAY TUNED…

-Shikha Saka

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