How To Change The Destiny Of My Children?
Do you know that you can change the destiny of your children, simply by what words you declare over them? Here are 10 powerful confessions for you from the Word of God:
1: I thank you Lord because children are a heritage. They will be like arrows in our hands and will contend with the enemy in the gate (Psalm 127:3-5).
2: We rejoice because our child has been cast on you from birth, and from the womb you have been his God. (Psalm 22:10)
3: We thank you Lord because you have planned a divine destiny for our child even before he came into existence (Jeremiah 1:5)
4: We declare that our child will grow in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man.
5: Great will be the peace of our children, for they shall be taught of the Lord (Isaiah 54:13).
6: In the name of Jesus, we declare that we are equipped with God’s grace and have the ability and wisdom to raise our child in the fear and admonition of the Lord. By faith we receive wisdom to handle our new responsibilities.
7: Thank you Lord for our descendants will be mighty on earth. Wealth and riches shall be in our house (Psalm 112:2-3). Thank you, Lord, for you will pour your Spirit on our descendants, and your blessing on our offspring. (Isaiah 44:3)
8: We claim supernatural circumcision of our child’s heart so that he may love you with all his heart and soul (Deuteronomy 30:6).
9: Thank you Lord for our child will be filled with the Holy Spirit and the love of the Lord from a tender age.
10: We declare that our children will obey and honour us that it may go well with them, and that they may enjoy long life on earth. (Ephesians 6:2,3)