How to Shape your Arrows (Part 3/3, Arrow Series)
In Part 1 of the arrow series, I talked about how your children can be shaped as arrows, and in Part 2 we learned about the role of a quiver spiritually. If you haven’t read our earlier posts, you can click here and here.
The process of shaping an arrow is meticulous. It involves selecting the right wood,
carefully crafting the shaft, and attaching the etchings. Similarly, godly parenting
involves shaping our children’s character with the leading of the Holy Spirit.
The wood of the arrow represents the core of who our children are. We
must instil in them qualities like loving the Lord with all their hearts, fear of the
Lord, honour of His Word, Celebrating the house of God, valuing the time of
fellowship with the Holy Spirit, Hearing the voice of God. All these will by default
instil in them qualities like honesty, integrity, compassion, and resilience.
The etchings (feathers of an arrow) guide the arrow. We must equip our
children with the skills they need to do the will of God. This includes education,
problem-solving, and communication skills. The Bible says A man’s gift makes room
for him, And brings him before great men. Proverbs 18:16. Grace brings the gift but
multiplication is a result of how well our children learn to grow and steward the
gis they have. Because Daniel was excellent in his knowledge and understanding,
throughout his lifetime he served before kings.
Walking with the Holy Spirit :
The tip of the arrow provides purpose and direction. We must nurture our children’s
spiritual lives, helping them develop a strong relationship with a God, who speaks
and who has good plans for their lives. Samuel, as young as he was heard God
because of the guidance of Eli, although Eli was far from the will of God. Unborn
baby John leaped in the womb of his mother because Elizabeth was a woman of
faith. As much as you can believe God for encounters for your children, God will
pour Himself out. Let’s not limit God with our thinking.
Releasing the Arrow:
The goal of an archer is to release the arrow with precision and power, similar to our
aim as parents to equip our children to fly confidently into the world.
Here’s how we can do this effectively:
We must trust that we have done our best to prepare our children. Let go of
fear, control or condemnation, and allow them to experience life’s challenges and
triumphs knowing that you are with them always, and also reminding them that
they are held in their heavenly Father’s hands who never will leave more forsake
Continue to support and encourage our children as they pursue their
goals. Guide them with words of Biblical wisdom, and allow them to take their own
decisions as they come to mature. Trust the sowing of the Word that you have done
in them to bring you the harvest of wise decisions in their lives.
Keep praying for your children, and seeking the protection and guidance of
the Holy Spirit wherever they are. Arrows that are set forth with prayer are arrows
on fire that will never grow cold. Releasing our ‘arrows’ into the world with prayer
will pierce the darkness, fulfilling the kingdom purpose.
Parenting is an assignment from God. By understanding our role as archers and our
children as arrows, we can approach this assignment with purpose and wisdom.
I want to encourage you, if your quiver has grown rusty, filled with arrows that feel
neglected, don’t despair it’s never too late to reignite your purpose. Clean out that
quiver, choose your arrows with care, and prepare to launch them for Jesus.
Remember, our children are not ‘our possessions’ but God’s gifts. The world awaits a mighty revival with even little children carrying and functioning with the manifest presence of God. Together with the Holy Spirit, we can raise no ordinary children who walk with the Living God!
-Shikha Saka